The EHDI Data Hub provides visualizations to compare metrics of EHDI programs across the United States.
Learn more about the data
Learn more about the data curation and the metrics available for exploration by visiting the Data Description page.
Explore a metric
We compare all available data for each state, the US (states, District of Columbia, and territories), and state summaries (average, median, and standard deviation across states and District of Columbia) in each year from 2007 to 2022.
Figures are interactive and allow you to focus on portions or download a PNG.
You can explore 62 metrics: 35 metrics were calculated from 27 metrics reported to the CDC. Calculated metrics include prevalence, rate, percentage, and total count.
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Explore a state
Check out a state’s profile: how a particular state has been doing over the years across the 8 key metrics. We also highlight how the US (states, DC, and territories) is doing.
Compare two states: select two states to explore and compare their trends over the years across the 8 key metrics.
Figures are interactive; you can also download a PNG of the profile/comparison.
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